Halt hair loss: follow 3 simple remedies!

Like our mood, our hair is also affected by weather changes, and the first signs of weakening are manifested by hair loss and thinning.
Heat, as well as wind and rain, can undermine the health of hair, making it weaker, drier and more brittle.
However, there are effective remedies to preserve the beauty of hair while also preventing hair loss.

Let's find out together!
Shampoo anticaduta Tricostrong Stanartis

Anti-fall remedy 1: replace your regular shampoo with an anti-fall shampoo

Changing the shampoo you use every day can make a big difference in the health of your hair. In particular, watch out for the ingredients--best to choose formulas without parabens or silicones, with scientifically proven efficacy, such as blackcurrant apple, found in Stanartis products.

The Tricostrong® hair loss strengthening shampoo, for example, it has a nourishing, strengthening and redensifying action thanks to the presence of cutting-edge raw materials that prevent weakening and balding by strengthening the roots.

Hair is nourished, moisturized, and protected from external sources such as hair dryer and brush by stimulating the proliferation of keratinocytes, the main cells in the skin and responsible for keratin production that is meant to make hair shiny.

In this way, miniaturization and thinning of the hair are hindered.

Integratori capelli anticaduta, Stanartis

Anti-fall remedy 2: taking natural hair supplements


To revitalize the scalp, using anatural anti-hair loss supplement may prove to be the winning choice.

There are several types on the market, but not all are equivalent: what determines the quality of hair tablets are the active ingredients chosen and the percentages they contain. Higher concentrations usually correspond to greater efficacy.

Dr. Salvatore Artiano, a well-known medical surgeon, has studied its anti-hair loss supplement formula ideal for strengthening men's and women's hair: the'Nutricum Tricostrong® hair supplement. is based on melannurca apple, which, thanks to its high antioxidant power, counteracts cellular aging and hair loss. The presence of vitamin B revitalizes the scalp and fortifies hair bulbs.

Taking Tricostrong hair tablets also promotes the production of keratin, a protein and main constituent of the hair fiber.

Lozione capelli anticaduta, Stanartis

Anti-hair loss remedies 3: Strengthen hair by anti-hair loss lotion

If you lose a lot of hair and want to see results faster, add an anti-hair loss lotion to your routines to strengthen the hair bulb and improve skin health.

We recommend the Tricostrong® fall prevention lotion Stanartis, a specific treatment to counteract the main culprits of thinning and excessive hair loss. Thanks to the association and synergistic activity of nourishing, antioxidant and skin microcirculation-promoting ingredients, its action is useful as an adjuvant in the anagen phase of the hair, the first of the follicular cycle that corresponds to that of growth.

The presence of caffeine stimulates hair growth while the procyanidin B2 contained in the melannurca apple prevents baldness by prolonging the anagen phase.

Red clover helps against androgenetic alopecia and is considered one of the richest sources of isoflavones, substances that can neutralize DHT, the hormone responsible for the androgenic action underlying both common baldness and alopecia.

In addition, blood circulation is stimulated: thus, a well-oxygenated hair bulb maintains its healthy state, prevents aging and subsequent hair loss, and enables the growth of beautiful and strong hair.

Find your hair loss remedy: 2 minutes a day can solve the problem
Just use the right products.

For your hair care, choose Stanartis research!