Apply the Sun Oil during sun exposure. Spray on hair from root to ends. Use it on the body and face, insisting especially on the driest areas. Remember to shake it before use.
Massage the Sun Oil until it is completely absorbed and enjoy its natural scent and freshness on your skin!
Make sure you have applied the oil to your hair and to all areas of your body of interest. Reapply the oil several times, especially after baths and/or showers!
Et voila, your hair and skin are beautiful, hydrated and protected.
Apply the Sun Oil during sun exposure. Spray on hair from root to ends. Use it on the body and face, insisting especially on the driest areas. Remember to shake it before use.
Massage the Sun Oil until it is completely absorbed and enjoy its natural scent and freshness on your skin!
Make sure you have applied the oil to your hair and to all areas of your body of interest. Reapply the oil several times, especially after baths and/or showers!
Et voila, your hair and skin are beautiful, hydrated and protected.

Our ingredients are clinically tested to maintain the right level of nourishment and hydration even under the sun. The synergy between these natural ingredients makes it possible to improve not only the appearance, but the very health of skin and hair.
L’Olio di Mallo di Noce è una sostanza oleosa ottenuta dalla macerazione del mallo, molto scuro e usato nella cosmesi perché ricco di vitamina C e per le sue proprietà antisettiche e cheratinizzanti. In particolare, l’Olio di Mallo di Noce favorisce il rinnovo delle cellule dell’epidermide.
L’Olio di Mandorle Dolci è una sostanza oleosa composta da circa il 30% di acido linoleico, circa il 65% di acido oleico, da acido palmitico e acido stearico. L’Olio di Mandorle Dolci è ricco di proprietà emollienti ed elasticizzanti, attiva la riparazione cellulare e previene le smagliature.
L’Olio di Nocciola è un olio vegetale, leggero e aromatico, noto per la sua azione sebo-riequilibrante. Indicato soprattutto per le pelli grasse e acneiche. Nella cosmesi, l’Olio di Nocciola è principalmente utilizzato per il trattamento delle rughe del viso. Inoltre, l’Olio di Nocciola svolge un’azione astringente che aiuta a richiudere delicatamente i pori;
Jojoba Oil is a natural cosmetic made from the seeds of simmondsia chinensis. Rich in vitamin E, it is mainly used to counteract premature aging of facial skin, but also for hair, as the use of a few drops makes it softer and shinier.