The problem of hair loss is not, as is often believed, only male. Indeed, it affects almost 1 woman in 2. According to recent estimates, it affects 18 million Italians and 4 million Italians, so much so that at the age of 50 at least 50% of men and 30% of women are suffering from more or less serious problems of baldness.

The onset of baldness in women is often due to androgenetic alopecia, sometimes aggravated by physical or psychological stress.

In women, hair loss can induce isolation and rejection of social environments resulting in considerable damage to everyday life.
Fortunately, science goes on and there are treatments today that can act on androgenetic alopecia.

Discover now how to recognize the problem of androgenetic alopecia and cures to counteract its progression.

Female androgenetic alopecia: what is it?

The causes of female androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is one of the most widespread forms of baldness.

Androgenetic alopecia is referred to when hair loss is related to the action of androgenic hormones.

Let’s immediately clarify: there is no intrinsic correlation between the presence of excess androgens and baldness. However, when genetically predisposed hair follicles have an excessive sensitivity to the action of these hormones, hair loss occurs.

The phases of hair growth are shortened and, under the effect of the hormone, there is a progressive thinning of the hair shaft: increasingly thin, short, depigmented, until it falls permanently, no longer regrowth.

It is not by chance that androgenetic alopecia is a slow phenomenon.

Female androgenetic alopecia and menopause

Female androgenetic alopecia affects at different stages of life, particularly during periods of hypersensitivity to hormonal changes.

It is very common during menopause, a period in which the level of estrogen - typically female hormones essential in fertile age and facilitators of hair health - is lowered, while the level of androgens increases proportionately.

Also typical is the appearance of female alopecia in other hormonal changes, such as adolescence, pregnancy, after childbirth or when oestrus-progestin treatments are interrupted.

Female androgenetic alopecia: how to recognize it?


Since androgenetic alopecia has a hereditary component, it is more likely to blame the problem when a close relative - parents, grandparents, uncles or siblings - is affected.

The first symptoms

Generally the first signs are noticed on the top of the scalp. Without care, sooner or later it spreads, especially on the back of the neck and temples, just as it happens for men.

Monitor the evolution

According to the Ludwig scale, female alopecia develops in three phases of increasing severity:

  • Step 1: Slight thinning of the hair on the top of the scalp
  • Step 2: Thinning hair becomes quite visible
  • Step 3: Baldness is extended all over the scalp. This advanced level remains rare in women.

How to cure female androgenetic alopecia?

The preventive diagnosis

The progression of androgenetic alopecia is slow. For this reason it can be tackled in an early way to counteract the process of miniaturization of capillary follicles.

Changing the routine for hair health

In case of symptoms, we advise you to change your hair-care routine, using treatments with proven scientific effectiveness against hair loss:

Take natural hair loss supplements

Supplement your diet with natural tablets; in particular, those that contain the powerful Tricostrong CPX molecule, such as Tricostrong Nutricum hair supplement.

Thanks to its high antioxidant power, it counteracts cellular aging and hair loss. The presence of vitamin B revitalizes the scalp and strengthens the hair bulbs.

In just 6 months of treatment, this natural hair supplement is able to visibly improve the entire hair structure.

The high percentages of vitamins and mineral salts of Tricostrong CPX ³ allow you to:

- stimulate the growth of new hair;

- combating hair loss;

- strengthen the hair bulb.

Androgenetic alopecia is a slow phenomenon. Do not wait: react!