We recommend taking 2 tablets of Nutricum Tricostrong® vitamins daily after breakfast or one of the main meals, accompanied by a glass of water.
The Nutricum Tricostrong® Multipack offers a 4-month treatment, during which two tablets a day must be taken regularly. Results become evident already after the first 3 months.
Continue with the constant intake of 2 tablets per day for at least 5-6 months. Once this period is over, stop taking the supplement for a month, then resume treatment. As it is a natural product, continuous intake is safe and recommended for optimal results in maintaining healthy hair.
We recommend taking 2 tablets of Nutricum Tricostrong® vitamins daily after breakfast or one of the main meals, accompanied by a glass of water.
The Nutricum Tricostrong® Multipack offers a 4-month treatment, during which two tablets a day must be taken regularly. Results become evident already after the first 3 months.
Continue with the constant intake of 2 tablets per day for at least 5-6 months. Once this period is over, stop taking the supplement for a month, then resume treatment. As it is a natural product, continuous intake is safe and recommended for optimal results in maintaining healthy hair.

The balanced combination of ingredients in Nutricum Tricostrong® hair vitamins acts synergistically to restore scalp balance, strengthen the hair bulb and boost hair health by supplying all essential nutrients. Thanks to the powerful active ingredients in Nutricum Tricostrong®, it is possible to stop hair loss and prevent the development of baldness, while simultaneously promoting new hair growth.
The Multipack of 8 packs corresponds to a 4-month treatment.
The Multipack of 8 packs corresponds to a 4-month treatment.
Tricostrong CPX® è la molecola nata dalla ricerca Stanartis in grado di arrestare la caduta del capello, prevenire la calvizie e rallentare i processi d’invecchiamento della fibra capillare. Tricostrong CPX® è caratterizzata da alte percentuali di vitamine e sali minerali, la cui combinazione è scientificamente dimostrata avere effetti importanti sulla salute di cute e capello.
La biotina è un micronutriente essenziale delle vitamine del gruppo B. Sicura e ben tollerata dal corpo, la biotina è utilizzata contro la calvizie e per irrobustire unghie e capelli.