Shake well before use. Moisten your hands, then apply two dispenses of mousse to the palm of your hand.
Apply to the face and massage with circular movements. The mousse in contact with the skin exudes a delicious natural scent and turns into foam!
After letting the product sit for about 1 minute, rinse with plenty of warm water. Enjoy the feeling of a cleaner, softer and brighter skin!
For a more effective result, use the product daily, morning and evening.
Shake well before use. Moisten your hands, then apply two dispenses of mousse to the palm of your hand.
Apply to the face and massage with circular movements. The mousse in contact with the skin exudes a delicious natural scent and turns into foam!
After letting the product sit for about 1 minute, rinse with plenty of warm water. Enjoy the feeling of a cleaner, softer and brighter skin!
For a more effective result, use the product daily, morning and evening.

The Mousse Cleanser Face Stanartis is so effective because it contains a selection of natural ingredients, clinically tested, able to promote cell renewal, clean the skin from excess sebum and rebalance the lipid film for a clean face, soft and luminous, with almost invisible pores.
Hyaluronic Acid is an important component of the Extracellular Matrix that, with its moisturising and protective action, creates optimal microenvironmental conditions for proper cell metabolism. Precisely because of its moisturising and anti-ageing properties, hyaluronic acid is chosen for dermocosmetic products. It counteracts skin ageing, favouring a concentrated action on expression lines, as well as on deeper wrinkles.
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L’acido Salicilico ha un’azione cheratolitica poiché è in grado di spezzare selettivamente la catena proteica della cheratina, abbondantemente presente nei corneociti, diminuendo così le forze di coesione che uniscono queste cellule l’una all’altra, favorendo il rinnovamento cellulare. L’’acido salicilico è in grado di esfoliare e distruggere solamente le cellule dello strato corneo: per questa ragione, la molecola è ben tollerata dalle cellule sottostanti, chiaramente prive di ogni traccia di cheratina.
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La Portulaca è conosciuta per le sue proprietà antiossidanti. Efficace contro gli stati infiammatori, favorisce il flusso sanguigno generale, migliorando la microcircolazione e stimolando la riparazione cellulare. In dermocosmetica i principi attivi della portulaca sono utilizzati per calmare i rossori e prevenire l’invecchiamento cutaneo, anche grazie alle sue proprietà e fotoprotettive.