
Spirulina: the properties
Spirulina is a spiral-shaped blue algae that grows in tropical and subtropical waters with alkaline water pH. Widely used in supplement formulations today, spirulina's use is thought to date back to Roman times.
What are the benefits of spirulina?
Spirulina contains protein, essential amino acids and fats. The lipids contained in spirulina consist largely of omega-6, which are known for their ability to control blood cholesterol levels and have a controlling function on blood pressure.
Spirulina is rich in antioxidants and is often incorporated into the diets of athletes precisely because of its ability to counteract oxidative stress produced under stress.
This alga is then functional for weight control: able to regulate bowel functions, improve digestive processes and support the metabolic system, spirulina is an excellent ally for those who want to lose weight. When taken before meals it gives a satiating effect.
Use of spirulina in slimming
Spirulina algae can be found commercially in supplement form. The quality and benefits that can be obtained through the intake of spirulina algae vary depending on the concentration contained in the tablets. Regular intake of spirulina algae promotes weight loss and maintenance of normal metabolic functions.